Hay Bale Pools are an Easy Option for Back Yard Swimming

Hay Bale Pools are an Easy Option for Back Yard Swimming

A swimming pool is something a lot of people want to add to their house. Exercise, the pleasure of being in water, the social aspect of gathering around a pool, a type of fun that can be enjoyed by the whole family or with friends are among the benefits of building a backyard swimming pool, but not everyone wants to dig a huge hole in their yard, or do all the work involved in building a pond or pool. But then how can you go for a swim first thing in the morning as a way to start your day, cool off in the afternoon, or calm down in the evening with a swimming pool?

One answer is the hay bale pool. Yes, this pool is just made using hay bales, which are not as heavy as some other options for building a pool’s walls. You can build these as natural pools (just fill them with water) or you can add cleaning products to them.

A “natural swimming pool” (sometimes called a “natural swimming pond”) is a pool that doesn’t use chemicals to disinfect or sterilize the water. Instead, the pool uses biological filters and / or plants that gro in the water.

For example, what can clean a pool without chemicals? UV rays, ozone, copper / silver ions.
Natural swimming pools can be built from scratch, or can be modified from existing chemically-cleaned pools.