Cost-efficient and Environmentally-Conscious Designed Little House

Efficient, Comfortable, Healthy, and Environmentally-Conscious Designed Home

BrightBuilt Home delivers a complete home from foundation to rooftop, including all plumbing fixtures, lighting, flooring, cabinetry, countertops, and appliances.

The Tiny House Movement has done many things to peoples’ awareness of the environment and living more cost efficiently. People world-wide are thinking about their place on the planet and what they can do to be a part of global warming’s solution rather than part of the problem. They are also thinking about down sizing their living spaces and creating a life that is simpler, less cluttered, and uses sustainable energy sources. They have come to realize that “living smaller” does not necessarily mean giving things up. On the contrary, it means finding out what really matters to you and the differences between “needs” and “wants”.

This phenomenon is from a shift in peoples’ consciousness about the old us and them mentality that meant that folks’ primary concern was themselves. Now people are thinking in terms of community, and how each of us contributes to that community. And the logical extension of this kind of thinking includes the environment, and consequently our collective wallets.


Just as we strive to make as small an impact on our homeowners’ wallets as possible, we also aim to make as small an impact on the environment as we can. BrightBuilt Home is committed to designing and facilitating the construction of homes that are efficient, comfortable, healthy, and environmentally-conscious. These Net Zero Energy homes are capable of producing as much energy as they consume annually. We carefully analyze each home site and utilize the advantages of natural day lighting, warmth from the sun and natural ventilation to minimize your reliance on energy-sucking light fixtures and completely eliminate that fossil-fuel gobbling furnace. We use non-toxic finishes and adhesives, Energy Star appliances and water-saving fixtures in every home.

Check out the gallery of photos below (all images on our site are expandable, even the featured image at the top).

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