Country Steel Kit Home Villa with Veranda plus Balcony

Metal Building Home with 2 Garages (HQ Pictures)

Created by an Aussie company named Sheds, These beautiful and economical steel kit homes are becoming more popular these days than ever before. A relatively new and modern design idea, home seekers are taking a good look at the steel kit home. We share here, a model with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,which is a plus and quiet a draw. Multiple bathrooms are still rare in smaller homes with only two bedrooms. This design makes this home perfect for couples or small families, with one or two small children. The second bedroom can also act as a home office or a nursery.

If you are seeking a home that is durable with a modern flair, consider the steel kit home. They are normally more economical than your basic home design, so can get more house for your money. This steel kit home comes with a veranda and a balcony to give it that extra space and that extra luxurious feel.


2,690 sq. ft
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms.

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