2 Story 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home

2 Story 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home

This one is a 2-story 3-bedroom container home in Guatemala. Actually, Guatemala is one of the places I’ve heard of people buying inexpensive land and homes, even along the large river that empties out into the Caribbean.

It was Juan Olivero, a principal at Olivero and Bland Architects.

Built with type 1A 40 foot HC shipping containers, this one has an almost luxury feel about it, while at the same time being a simple design: just shipping containers layed beside each other in a pile.

I’ll also point out the way they did the interior as well. Look at how they combined the metal ceiling beams of the shipping container with the stained perpendicular-layed lumber.

The designer has also shared a rough (although low-resolution) image of his floor plan, which is nice for those who are interested in the design, at least as a starting point and to fill in some gaps.

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