40′ Shipping Container Home

40' Shipping Container Home

Just one container. This is Danny Webber’s work, and it has electricity, plumbing, composting, a master bedroom and a washroom.

Danny Webber has joioned the group of people who see life in a shipping container. When some of us look at shipping containers, we just see something industrial that serves industrial purposes. But Danny  Webber was able to see something else, a home. This is one of the most unique dwelings today. It is not unlike a tiny house where you must be concerned with how you use your space, but it is different than a tiny home in that it has a unique look, while many tiny homes look like miniatures of larger homes.

The shipping container conversion requires a lot of thought and physical additions, like Webber’s compost toilet. There are normally plans for a tiny house while a shipping container is one open space that allows you to begin building and remodeling from scratch.

For more of Danny Webber’s work, find him in our shipping container homes directory.