A Shipping Container Guest House

A Shipping Container Guest House

Check out this little shipping container house, which they built to be a guest house on their property. There aren’t many details on the build on this one, but lots of photos illustrating the interior, which has a bright appearance with lots of white paint and natural wood. T

What does it take to build a shipping container house? Building a container house may seem simple. Just connect two, three or however many used containers in a house. The final cost of the container house includes more than just a couple shipping containers, though, because naturally you need to arrange the containers and building site, and outfit the building for living.


Check out the gallery of photos below (all images on our site are expandable, even the featured image at the top).

Find more from Troo Designs and Sige and Honey and other shipping container building companies we’ve indexed in our Home Designers and Builders Directory. You can search the company’s name and look builders near your area. And to see more shipping container buildings,click here.