Shipping Container Was Turned Into a Modern Beach Side Home

Shipping Container Was Turned Into a Modern Beach Side Home

Who would ever think that a shipping container could be transformed into an ultra-modern and attractive beach home? Yes indeed, a 320-square foot shipping container can be transformed into a decent beach house with all the nice details and quality materials. Complete with original mahogany floors, spacious bathroom, porch, glass doors and windows, and just around two blocks away from the beach, this beach-side home is a perfect getaway for families who want to relax and escape the city life.

Located in Carolina Beach, North Carolina, these two shipping containers-turned-beach house had been constructed with a mix of high and low end finishes to come up with a modern house that is perfect for people who want to live closer to the ocean. It may be smaller compared to other beach houses but because of the classy and attractive details and cozy interior, it is just as comfortable and relaxing as any conventional home. Needless to say, it is much like living in a real house – only it is eco-friendly, innovative and practical.

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