A New Way to Keep Your Legs Healthy at Work

Officiser - A New Way to Keep Your Legs Healthy at Work

Who else out there is at a desk way more than they would be if they were free to do anything they wanted with their day? Office workers have one thing in common: having a hard time staying in shape. I won’t even start on how bad some people are telling us it is just to be sitting for most of the day.

Some people chose to stand at standing desks at work. And this is actually a nice thing to do, I’ve found. But what about the range of under-the-desk exercise equipment meant to keep blood moving, muscles strained, and ligaments loosened?

This is a new one, a bit different from the others I’ve seen, and it’s called the “Officiser.” From the website (The Gadget Flow, where it’s listed for $99):

“Officiser is created to address this problem of inactivity. This patent pending innovation can help you to stay active while you are sitting at your desk. It can significantly increase your NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis ) which is critical for your health regardless of your regular workout. A test on office workers has shown that an average of 60 additional calories was burned per hour then just sitting. Officiser can help you to sit in a proper posture and stimulate muscles on your legs, abs, glutes and back. These lead to alleviation of leg swelling and back pains. The continuous movements lead to higher blood circulation throughout the day, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the brain and other organs. These will enhance mental capacity, prevent muscle cramps/numbness, lower blood pressure, risks for cardiovascular diseases and organ damage.”