Economical Prefab Tiny House Kits

Economical Prefab Tiny House Kits

This is a selection of tiny houses and shack-houses to give an idea of the range of styles people are building in. You’ve probably landed on this page because we use it as an example for articles elsewhere on the site where we talk about these styles of houses, and this is an illustration of what we were talking about.

Having lower bills and no mortgage, frees you up to either retire early or work only part-time, and this is probably one of the main reasons people look to tiny houses and kit houses. The pressure to make a certain amount of money a month will change drastically. You will feel more freedom in your life especially if you ran your own business. You can cut your hours down to the minimum, if you choose.

You can also create your own tiny house plans and begin a project together building your own home. You can design it just the way you want to and create a home that is specifically catered to your needs and wants. It can also be a lot of fun watching your tiny house come together, particularly if you are a natural DIYer. There are endless reasons why retiring to a tiny house is a great idea for retirees, but what is most important is that you enjoy the process.

Check out the gallery of photos below (all images on our site are expandable, even the featured image at the top).

Find more from tiny house builders and companies we’ve indexed in our Home Designers and Builders Directory. You can search the company’s name and look builders near your area. And to see more tiny house,click here.