14 Totally Off-Grid Cabins

14 Incredible Off-the-Grid Cabins

Having a mobile micro prefab home allows you to live off-the-grid wherever you want. How exciting it is to be free from limits and be able to move anywhere … from a warm sandy beach to a cool hilly spot or you can even take it to a rooftop … anywhere a tiny home will fit. Your spot choices are really countless as your portable dwelling can be easily moved. This is one thing mobile prefab homes provide – unlimited adventure!

Included in gallery:

1. Prefabricated Finnish shed

2. Jeff and Millie Baird’s off-the-grid retreat

3. The Watershed, an off-the-grid writer’s retreat

4. DesignBuildBLUFF in Colorado

5. French Island in Australia

6. MOS’s Desert Cluster

7.  Jason Gordon’s cabin in the Ozark Mountains

8. James and Imogen Tutton’s teak-clad house in Australia

9. Off-grid itHouse in Pioneertown, California

10. Mini House 2.0 in Sweden

11. Zenkaya in South Africa

12. The Porter cottage in Maine

13. David Burn Residence in Tasmania

14. Garlick Residence in Washington

Check out the gallery of photos below (all images on our site are expandable, even the featured image at the top).

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