Weaver Cottage Homes under $6000

Weaver Cottage Homes under $6000

Cottages come in all shapes and sizes, especially today when so many people are looking to downsize. Not all cottage houses are small. Some builders and customers prefer the style but the family may have a requirement for more space. It’s easy to confuse a cottage with the tiny house mania. But they are different. A tiny house can be built in any style, but cottages have a certain look and style, no matter the size.

Small cottages can be used for many things. Storage is one idea and many cottages are meant for just that, to store outdoor items for gardening and tools for repair. These spaces can be used to store hobby equipment for artists and model train/plane builders. If a cottage is renovated, it can be used as a getaway at home or an entertainment area.

Check out the gallery of photos below (all images on our site are expandable, even the featured image at the top).

Find more from Amish Buildings, and other cottage builders we’ve indexed in our Home Designers and Builders Directory. You can search the company’s name and look builders near your area. And to see more cottage,click here.