Flop Armchair that can Turn into a Bed

Flop Armchair that can Turn into a Bed

Flop armchair is a transformer that turns into a bed

Do you enjoy having overnight guests but just don’t have the space. This amazingly comfortable ‘Flop” chair doubles as a bed in only a few easy and simple moves. Created by Russian designer Elena Sidorova, this chair not only provides extra seating in your living room or den but it is also a cozy bed for sleeping. If you are entertaining and a friend doesn’t want to drive home, here is the perfect solution.

The Flop  chair is made of 100% wool fabric.

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Comfy Sofa from Beatle

Sofas are becoming very popular; not just for comfort but for style. Akyan and Eryimaz know this intuitively and create sofas that are unique and stylish without sacrificing comfort. If you like the modernist, simplistic look, this sofa is for a luxurious decor and will compliment the minimalist style within your home. We love it for the quality assurance you receive from Beatle, Aykan and Eryilmaz.

You may think a white sofa may not be inviting or the artistic beauty may turn guests away, but once everyone experiences the comfort, they won’be able to wait to sit down and leisurely enjoy this sofa. Though elegant in style, you can still make this sofa right at home in a more traditional environment with a few colorful throw pillows.

Designers: Burak Aykan & Nur Eryılmaz

Check out the gallery of photos below (all images on our site are expandable, even the featured image at the top).

Find more from Beatle  and other interior designers we’ve indexed in our Home Designers and Builders Directory. You can search the company’s name and look builders near your area. And to see more interior design, click here.

Stunning Interior Design Details – Industrial Close Ups

We’ve featured wood furniture interiors, and now we’ll take a look at industrial type furnishings. Industrial is it’s own niche and style, and a lot of people like to use at least some industrial type pieces, whether for their pure functionality or for the aesthetic that appeals to them.

This gallery is an overview of the style and how it can be used in various ways in a house.

Find more from Rustic Hardware, and other companies we’ve indexed in our Home Designers and Builders Directory. You can search the company’s name and look builders near your area. And to see more interior, click here.