Over the last decade or so, the increase in catastrophic weather conditions, hurricanes and flash floods – not to mention devastating tsunamis – has called innovators to come up with solutions to the horrifying loss of homes and property. The aqua dam, which was originally built to keep water at bay for the building of pipelines, has emerged as a life saver for many homeowners who do not choose evacuation only to return to complete destruction.
Basically an aqua dam is a series of large tubes filled with water and placed strategically around your property and home as a barrier to flooding. But it also has other applications such as being used for temporary reservoirs for water storage, the containment of water while contractors and their teams repair bridges and the like, and defending against erosion by either containing or diverting the flow of water. Interesting right? Water containing water. What an irony, but what a life saving solution to today’s weather.
The initial investment in a water dam to protect your home has a steep price and not everyone has the means to afford it. At $8500, some people would rather take their chances. But when you take into consideration the value of your land and dwelling, an aqua dam may seem more than worth the expense. Flash flooding can wreak total havoc on your homestead, and the cost of rebuilding can be prohibitive. There is also the loss of precious items from your home, irreplaceable mementos of your life to consider. They may just be things, but they may also have some deep meaning to you and your family. And an aqua dam could keep all of your belongings safe and dry.
The images below are just some of the applications of the aqua dam and are all courtesy of Pinterest. The featured image is courtesy of Click2Houston.