13 Bunk Bed Inspirations with Lighting

13 Bunk Bed Ideas With Lighting

Bunk beds are a part of nostalgia. Many of us who had siblings remember choosing who would get the top bunk and who was going to sleep on the bottom. Now there are so many different styles and types of bunk beds from which to choose, one could get overwhelmed just shopping for the right one. One particular style that is becoming popular for their looks and functionality is the lighted bunk bed set.

Lighting bunk beds makes it safer for kids and teens to get in and out of them at night. Maybe they need a trip to the restroom or to get something they need for school the next day, and have to get out of their bunk beds to turn on a light. Also many remember just trying to be safe in maneuvering ourselves out of the bunk beds safely. Bunk beds with lights take care of a lot of these issues and make it more safe for your small one or teen to get in and out of bed.

Below we have examples of 15 bunk beds with lighting to give you choices and inspire you when it’s time for your little ones to get out of the cribs and into their own beds.

Check out the gallery of photos below (all images on our site are expandable, even the featured image at the top).

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