Modern Style Decor: Sleek and Uncluttered

Modern Style Decor Sleek and Uncluttered

Modern style decor is the epitome of clean lines, monochromatic color palettes, and an uncluttered look. Not everyone goes for this style of decor because they believe it to be too cold  and impersonal. But the modern style is far from cold and impersonal. With the occasional splash of color and warm neutral tones, this can be very inviting and cozy. Modern style furniture is not hard nor is it uncomfortable. A variety of textures and hues can be very welcoming for you and your guests and family. A soft throw tossed on a sleek sofa, begs you to sit down.

That touch of red on a pillow in a grey room, adds  excitement and drama.  The stainless steel kitchen appliances do not say “industrial”, but  that it is a clean and efficient work space.  A platform bed can be as comfy as a four-poster bed.

Neutral, and monochromatic color palettes are the hallmark of the modern style. They keep rooms from looking messy and cluttered, and have a calming effect on people. The simple lines, and the clean feel to modern style rooms create a peaceful ambiance that most folks enjoy. There is also a lightness to modern style decor that other styles don’t have. The heavy quality that more traditional styles possess, can sometimes be oppressive. Too many knick-knacks, too many colors and patterns in fabrics can often be overwhelming.

The images below are meant to be inspirational and to help you in finding your particular modern style. All images and resource material are courtesy of Pinterest and the pics can be enlarged.