Lovely Prefabricated House

Lovely Prefabricated House

Prefabrication homes, or prefabs, have been an alternative style of living to building a home made with conventional construction, for years. They are by far cheaper to create and assemble than the usual home. They come in many different styles and can be customized to suit the buyers.

Prefabs are constructed in factories off the home site and then panels are assembled like puzzle pieces on-site. Less labor is necessary to put these houses together, and some prefabs can be built in as little as three days. And you can be expected to pay between $180-$220 per square foot. Prefabs are more energy efficient and can be put up just about anywhere.

Casa prefabbricata 117 – 29,850 EUR

Further information and questions: Prefabricated house

Phone : Tel: +372 661 7381
Email : [email protected]
Address : Lennu, Kalesi küla Raasiku vald Harjumaa 75207 Estonia

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