Eco Prefab House?

What is this Eco Prefab House

Choosing prefab for homes or even offices is a great option for people who want a faster and more convenient building style for an upcoming building or working space. Choosing prefab buildings gives an opportunity to be stylish yet economical while having your very own place.

One of the best prefab buildings that you can choose is the Water Nest 100. This is an eco-friendly floating house designed by Giancarlo Zema. This eco house is designed for EcoFloLife. Maybe the most “stand out thing” about this one is it’s an ecological floating habitat recharged by the sun. This house is made of eco-friendly materials making it 98% recyclable.

Water Nest 100 gives you an opportunity to experience living at a different level. It allows you to work or live on the water. The house is 100 m2, 12 m in diameter, 4 m high. It is made of entirely recycled materials such as laminated timber and an aluminum hull.

Water Nest 100 has balconies that are located on the sides. It has large windows that allow you to witness magnificent views over the water. Its bathroom and kitchen are situated on the wooden roof.

This ecological house can be placed in different various waters such as on river courses, sea areas with calm water, lakes, bakes, and atolls. This gives you an opportunity to live or work near nature. It allows you to have a unique experience: living life while seeing different wonders of the water.

The sewage system of the Water Nest 100 — an important point — is well thought out by designer Giancarlo Zema. The house has a filter system so that the used water can go back into the water without any undue residue or harm.

The Water Nest 100 is a low-consumption residential habitat. It has a sophisticated system of internal natural micro-ventilation and air-conditioning. It is a great choice for people who want to live independently and who want to be with nature at all times.

To see more from Zema, find them in the Building Homes and Living directory.